Thursday 13, Mar 2025


Diamond Orgy - Photoshop CS5 Advanced Tutorial

Diamond Orgy - Photoshop CS5 Advanced Tutorial

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How to install a Photoshop brush

A Photoshop brush ends in .abr and is not recognized by Photoshop as a readable file (meaning if you try to open the file in Photoshop, you'll get an error). So what you need to do is drag the BrushName.abr into the [wherever you instaleld Photoshop]/Presets/Brushes folder. Then the next time you run Photoshop, your custom brush should load up with the other brushes. Hope this helps!

How to install a font into Photoshop

Photoshop loads fonts from the set of fonts installed on your computer, so you need to install your font onto your computer in order for it to come up in Photoshop. Here's how we accomplish this~

NOTE: You should be able to just double-click the font and click "install" and that's it. If you can't install it this way, use the methods below.

Windows Vista/7: Go to your start menu, and in the search bar type "fonts" and click the first option. Click and drag your font into the folder that pops up and you're done!

Mac: Locate your Library/Fonts folder. Click and drag your font into the folder and that's all!

Once your font is installed, check to see if it is in your Photoshop font list. If it's not there, simply restart Photoshop.

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